The individual entrepreneur Gerus Andrei Marklenovich , hereinafter referred to as the Contractor, expresses his intention to conclude this contract for the provision of services on the terms contained in this public Offer, with individuals and legal entities, hereinafter referred to as Clients.
This public offer is valid for all services and products offered on the Gerfed website with the domain name
1.1. Public Offer - this document is available on the website with the domain name (hereinafter referred to as the Offer).
1.2. Acceptance of the Offer - full and unconditional acceptance of this Offer by the Client in the manner provided for in clause 3.1. of the present Offer.
1.3. Client - a natural or legal person who purchases services or products under this public offer agreement.
1.4. The contractor is an individual entrepreneur Gerus Andrey Marklenovich , OGRNIP 311784704800021, TIN 780223431770.
1.5. Website - Gerfed website (
2. Subject of the Offer
2.1. Under this agreement, the Contractor provides services for the provision of the MQTT Broker service, storage and processing of the transmitted information using API tools, as well as other services on the terms provided for by this Offer and a description of the corresponding service posted on the website.
2.2. Services are provided for a fee.
2.3. The client independently gets acquainted with the description of services on the Site.
3.1. The acceptance of this Offer is considered 100% prepayment by the Client of the Contractor's services.
3.2. Acceptance assumes that the Client is familiar with the terms of this Offer, unconditionally agrees with all of them. In case of disagreement with any conditions, the Client refuses to conclude a contract.
3.3. The Offer Agreement between the Contractor and the Client is considered concluded at the time of acceptance.
4.1. The Contractor is obliged:
- Start providing paid service within an hour after payment;
- to render services in accordance with this Offer and the description of services available on the site within the time specified on the site or previously agreed with the Client in the manner provided for in clauses 4.3., 4.5. of this Offer;
- provide the Client with reliable information about the services provided;
- timely provide the Client with information about all changes in the conditions of this Offer, as well as provide the Client with information about new services;
- indicate on the site the actual price for the services provided;
- consider the requirements for refund of payment for services in the manner prescribed by clauses 5.2., 7.3., 7.4. of the present Offer.
4.2. The Contractor has the right to include the Client's email address in the Gerfed project newsletter mailing list .
4.3. The Contractor has the right to terminate the provision of services to the Client and terminate the public offer contract in case the Client violates his obligations in accordance with this Offer.
4.4. Customer is required to:
- unconditionally and fully accept the terms of this Offer;
- carefully study on the website information about the service and its cost;
- choose the necessary service, as well as the method of payment;
- enter reliable data in the service order form;
- pay for the service on the basis of 100% prepayment.
4.5. Materials received by the Client from the Contractor may be used by the Client only for personal purposes and may not be transferred to third parties.
4.6. The Customer is prohibited from reproducing, repeating and copying, selling and reselling, as well as using for any commercial purposes the materials provided by the Contractor.
4.7. The Client can send the Contractor all claims regarding the quality of the services provided, within a period not exceeding five business days from the date of the service. In the event that such a claim is not received by the Contractor, it is considered that the Client has no complaints about the quality of services, and the services are considered to be provided in full and in an appropriate manner.
4.8. The client may request a refund for the services in the manner provided for in clauses 7.2., 7.3., 7.4. of the present Offer.
5.1. The following services are provided on the Site :
- MQTT Broker . Service for sending messages between clients using the MQTT protocol .
- With Saving messages in the database , passing through the Broker MQTT .
- Connecting to the API to receive data.
- Visualization of data on the site using plugins.
5.2. The parameters of the services provided are displayed in the tariff plans at
The main parameters are as follows :
The number of users is the number of different devices with different identifiers ( Client Name ) .
Database size , Mb - this is the sum of all stored data in the database.
Requests per minute is the maximum allowed number of calls to MQTT Broker within 1 minute.
Cost - This is the amount of cash.
Currency - Cash Currency
List of services in tariff plans :
- MQTT - MQTT Broker
- Bridge - Ability to connect a bridge between brokers
- SSL - Ability to connect via SSL - certificate
- Websockets Port ( TLS only ) - Ability to connect to this protocol
- Data b ase - Ability to save to the database
- Datshboard - The ability to display data in your account on widgets.
5.2. The terms for the provision of services are indicated in the description of the service posted on the Site.
6.1. Payment for services is made through electronic payments using the Best2Pay payment integrator ( After ordering the service, the Client is redirected to the Best2Pay service, where the Client can pay for the service in any way convenient for him, which are offered by the Best2Pay service.
6.2. The Contractor, at the request of the Client, considers the issue of refunding funds within 5 business days paid for the service, only if such requirements are presented and the services were rendered less than 10% . Refunds are made within 14 business days.
6.3. The Client is solely responsible for errors that are made by him when paying for the services of the Contractor.
7.1. The Client gives permission to the Contractor to collect, process and store personal data that is provided by the Client when ordering services (last name, first name, middle name, email address and telephone number).
7.2. The Contractor uses the above personal data about the Client for:
- feedback from the Client;
- fulfillment of their obligations to provide services under the offer agreement;
- Newsletter by e-mail of the client of news of the project " Gerfed ".
7.3. Receiving Gerfed newsletters is voluntary. The client can at any time refuse to receive letters by clicking on the unsubscribe link that is present in each letter received. In this case, the Client's email address will be automatically deleted from the mailing list.
7.4. The Client’s personal data may be disclosed to third parties only with his permission or at the request of state authorities in the manner prescribed by the Federal Law “On Personal Data”.
7.5. The client has the right to demand the destruction / depersonalization of his personal data that is stored by the Contractor by sending an email to
8.1. The Contractor makes every effort to prevent violation of someone else's rights in the provision of services.
8.2. The Client may send the Contractor requirements for the return of funds paid for services within the time period specified in clause 5.2. of the present Offer.
8.3. The request for the return of funds paid for services should indicate:
- surname, name, patronymic of the person who requires a return;
- order number, date, payment amount;
- reasons for the return;
- passport data;
- bank account details;
- telephone, email address, postal address for communication.
8.4. The request must be sent in scanned form with the signature of the person who requests a refund, to the email
8.5. The Contractor reviews the requirements within 30 business days and reports the decision to the Client by e-mail.
8.6. All disputes between the Client and the Contractor, if the parties have not settled them pre-trial, are resolved in the courts in accordance with Russian law.
9.1. This Offer and its Acceptance in accordance with clause 3.1. of this Offer, form the aggregate contract for the provision of services for services concluded on the terms of this Offer.
9.2. The contract for the provision of services enters into force from the moment of acceptance of this Offer by the Client and is valid until the fulfillment of the Contractor's obligations to provide services.
9.3. The Client agrees that the introduction of amendments and additions to this Offer entails the introduction of amendments and additions to the Agreement already concluded and in force between the Contractor and the Client, and they enter into force simultaneously with such amendments to this Offer.
9.4. If this Offer is withdrawn during the term of the Agreement, it shall be deemed terminated from the moment of withdrawal of the Offer. At the same time, the Contractor is obliged to return the money paid by the Client, minus the costs incurred by the Contractor for the services provided.
9.5. The Contractor has the right to amend the conditions of the Offer or withdraw the Offer at any time at its discretion.